Ways to do it According to the Programming Languages of the World

  • Perl - There's more than one way to do it.
  • C++ - There are 5 ways to do it, 3 out of which are not supposed to work.
  • Visual Basic - The only way to do it is to use a third party component.
  • ANSI C - There is usually one way to do it, but there's more than one way to optimize it.
  • Java - There's barely one way to do it. (But as opposed to C++ it is guaranteed to work.)
  • Python - There's only one way to do it. The one true way of doing it. And then there are others.
  • COBOL - The only way to do it is to use something else.
  • Common LISP - There is a infinite series of ways to do it, increasing in elegance, and decreasing in legibility.
  • Scheme - There are several ways to do it, but you have to chart all of them yourself.
  • Haskell - You can think of any number of ways to do it, but only one will have a reasonable time or space complexity.
  • Forth - There are several ways to write it, but no way to read it.
  • HTML - There are many ways to do it. Most of them should be avoided at all costs, and the other ones should better be generated with something else.
  • The C Preprocessor - There's not supposed to be a way to do it.
  • Fortran - there isn't a way to do it... oh wait! Now there is.
  • Bash - There are several ways to do it. Now one has to find a way to decide which way to do it.
  • C Shell - The only way to do it does not work.
  • zsh - There's at least one way to do anything.