About Myself

About Myself

A page with a picture of me and some history and background. What I did, and when.

How to Contact Me

Information on how to reach me in any conceivable means.

Resumés (in various versions)

Resumés (also known as Corriculum Vitae's or C.V.'s) in various languages and formats.

Personal Ad

I'm looking for a girlfriend. If you are a girl and are available, please read this personal Ad and see if you're interested.

Online Weblogs

These are my online weblogs, which you can read online or subscribe to by using RSS or a similar technology.

My GnuPG Public Key

This is my public key, which you can use to send me encrypted E-mail or verify signed E-mails that I sent. There's more information about it in the GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) homepage.